shop / meet / work / play  / coffee / cake & kisses 

SUPERMERCATOR is a space to meet and mingle, find old and new things for who you love and hate, play music and games, drink coffee, eat pie, agree with strangers and debate your friends. We strive to be your cozy hub for practice, performance, exibition, concert, poetry + more // the more you give the more you can take. 

You can rent the space for an hour or a day, for your own workshop, gathering, rehearsal, party aso. Feel free to contact us. 

coming  up: 

O P E N :
monday 10-18 

wednesday-saturday 10-18
sunday 12-18 

Mercatorplein 3H
1057 BX Amsterdam

have a question, tip, desire?

want to play a gig, expose your art, give a workshop, collaborate?
